Sunday, September 10, 2006

Pussy Politics

Jack Layton is calling for the bugging out of Canadian soldiers to a safer overseas billet, presumably one where they won't be subjected to such dangerous things as bullets and bombs.

What does he think is the primary function of the military -- marching back and forth, saluting everything that moves and painting everything that doesn't? That's real productive, there, Jack...

What does he think the rifles are for? Or the other weapons? Oh, a few decades they'll make a great curiosity sculpture for some high-school history class, but what purpose does he think they have now?

Can't go bang bang shoot shoot -- that's not nice. That's not Canadian. That's Bush-style politics (see the video).

Jack is labelling our involvement in Afghanistan as merely an extension of Dubya's playing-at-soldier-and-not-playing-nicely. He obviously thinks that Canada is a country that needs to take leadership from another country...a kind-of follow-the-leader, with anyone except Canada in the lead. He shows damned little respect for a country for which he'd dearly love to be Prime Minister (not that that's ever likely to happen).

He's doing his best to convince the rest of the country that we shouldn't be under the Shrub's control. If he's so opposed to all things American, why doesn't he oppose the softwood lumber fiasco with a little more rigor?

Jack's a pussy politician. He's got no military record, and neither do most of his MPs. His mother probably instilled in him the belief that it was not nice to fight with other children. Which is okay -- my mother taught me not to fight just for the sake of fighting, too. She did teach me not to knuckle under to bullies, though. I think Jack's mother skipped that lesson.

What do you do when your back is to the wall, and the other guy is going to kill you unless you kill him, first? You can't talk him out of it. You can't buy your way out of it. You can't appease him in any way. He'll take everything you offer him, and then he'll kill you. You're in his way. And he likes to kill. He's already killing a lot of his own so-called friends, just because they don't leap to do his every bidding, living their own lives the way he thinks they should. And his "friends" have called upon you to help them get rid of him. You've agreed. And now you're face-to-face with the killer, and back home, there's one of your so-called friends, telling you and the rest of the world that you're now the bully and the killer, and that you have to come home now before you get hurt.

During WWII (which Canada entered before the USA, by th' way -- no follow-the-"leader" there, folks!), Jack would probably have been labelled a traitor, may have been arrested and thrown into prison (at least) or shot for "giving aid and comfort to the enemy". These days, we allow him to take a shot at becoming Prime Minister -- however long a shot it is.

My own MP is one of Jack's little followers. She got elected on the strength of two things: she was a good friend of the late Chuck Cadman, who was our local hero; and she has an awesome political record -- in her long career as a politician in all three levels of government, she has never once lost an election.

Well Dona Cadman is running against her in the next election (and, because of the NDP stance on Afghanistan, I'm extremely tempted to get out and campaign for Dona), so so much for the long friendship. And I think it's about time that Penny Priddy learns how to lose. After all, she's NDP. and they've been losers for years...

They've gotten to be so good at it that they want the rest of the country to follow along and become losers right along with them.



Anonymous Anonymous said...

A little less polite? Sounds like it's a good thing Jack doesn't live next door to

Monday, September 11, 2006 5:56:00 AM  
Blogger EUGENE PLAWIUK said...

Well if your so hip to got to war please sign up. Other wise shut up.

Monday, September 11, 2006 7:54:00 AM  
Blogger Chimera said...

Eugene: Shut up? On my own blog, you're telling me to shut up? LOL! You got balls, I'll give ya that...

FYI, if it weren't for the idiotic age barrier for the Canadian military, I'd already be back in uniform and probably in Afghanistan.

And what are you doing to support our troops?

Monday, September 11, 2006 8:45:00 AM  
Blogger DazzlinDino said...

Eugene, your allowed to RIDICULE what our military is fighting for while sitting safely in your office?

I'm with you Lance, it's about the dumbest retort going on the web right now, that and the "Harper changed this from a peacekeeping mission" bullshit that is being spewed all over my screen.....

Monday, September 11, 2006 7:58:00 PM  

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