Let's Talk About Sex, Bay-Bee...
...or not.
"Trustee Heather Stilwell, a member of the committee, said she'll reserve her comments about the books until after she's read them. (This, at least, is a change from her original tactics, several years ago, of slash-and-burn before anyone had a chance to read them.) But she wonders why gay-themed books are being proposed at this time." (Now she's being coy. This is an ongoing issue in Surrey, but she keeps being "surprised" that anyone would bring it up at all. And each time, she tries to make like it's the first time. This attitude is getting to be as old as renewable virginity.)
However, we in Surrey at least have gotten to the point where we talk and discuss. In Massachussetts, where same-sex couples can actually get married (and so far, it's the only state that allows same-sex mariage), people go to battle over fairy ('scuze the pun) tales, calling them "sex education." Makes one wonder about how they feel about Snow White, now, doesn't it?
I gotta read this book and find out what all the flap is about. My local library, being rather activist in the war against banning any written material, should have about a dozen copies. "On the tallest mountain above the town lived a queen, the young crown prince, and the crown kitty." And we're off to a great start...
But it seems that in the war on sexuality -- straight, gay, or bi (and there are some who would deny that "bi" is a valid option; oddly enough, those opposed to "bi" are mostly gay), there is another group who remained rather quiet. I've only known of their existence for a couple of years, and I found out about them quite by accident. They don't look for much in the way of publicity. And considering the flap, fuss, and feathers regarding same-sex issues, I guess I don't blame them for wanting to stay out of the limelight.
Well, too late now.
"And now a Canadian psychologist who pioneered research into asexuality is planning an international study to determine whether it's a disorder or a legitimate sexual orientation on par with homo, hetero and bisexuality."
I guess it never occurs to anyone that sexuality is a personal thing. Not a personal choice, but personal, nonetheless. Instead, as a society, we are increasingly interested in examining every intimate aspect of each others' lives, with the inclination to either approve or disapprove. This would be fine, if the approval or disapproval were kept on an individual scale.
But when you bring to bear the weight of the opinion of someone who is trained to snoop into the psyche to determine someone's motives...well, here you have the foundation for abuse. If Bogaert manages to get this study under way, my bet is that asexuality will, at least at first, be judged to be an abberation and/or a disorder. Therefore subject to law. And medical probing, along with the usual trial-and-oops drug therapies (hint: if you're looking for a new investment, look to aphrodisiacs!). And public approbation.
*sigh* You very often find discussions, either on line or in person, about what it is that separates the human species from the so-called lower animals. I now think I know what it is. It's our pre-occupation with sex. Especially when it 's about people other than ourselves.
"Trustee Heather Stilwell, a member of the committee, said she'll reserve her comments about the books until after she's read them. (This, at least, is a change from her original tactics, several years ago, of slash-and-burn before anyone had a chance to read them.) But she wonders why gay-themed books are being proposed at this time." (Now she's being coy. This is an ongoing issue in Surrey, but she keeps being "surprised" that anyone would bring it up at all. And each time, she tries to make like it's the first time. This attitude is getting to be as old as renewable virginity.)
However, we in Surrey at least have gotten to the point where we talk and discuss. In Massachussetts, where same-sex couples can actually get married (and so far, it's the only state that allows same-sex mariage), people go to battle over fairy ('scuze the pun) tales, calling them "sex education." Makes one wonder about how they feel about Snow White, now, doesn't it?
I gotta read this book and find out what all the flap is about. My local library, being rather activist in the war against banning any written material, should have about a dozen copies. "On the tallest mountain above the town lived a queen, the young crown prince, and the crown kitty." And we're off to a great start...
But it seems that in the war on sexuality -- straight, gay, or bi (and there are some who would deny that "bi" is a valid option; oddly enough, those opposed to "bi" are mostly gay), there is another group who remained rather quiet. I've only known of their existence for a couple of years, and I found out about them quite by accident. They don't look for much in the way of publicity. And considering the flap, fuss, and feathers regarding same-sex issues, I guess I don't blame them for wanting to stay out of the limelight.
Well, too late now.
"And now a Canadian psychologist who pioneered research into asexuality is planning an international study to determine whether it's a disorder or a legitimate sexual orientation on par with homo, hetero and bisexuality."
I guess it never occurs to anyone that sexuality is a personal thing. Not a personal choice, but personal, nonetheless. Instead, as a society, we are increasingly interested in examining every intimate aspect of each others' lives, with the inclination to either approve or disapprove. This would be fine, if the approval or disapproval were kept on an individual scale.
But when you bring to bear the weight of the opinion of someone who is trained to snoop into the psyche to determine someone's motives...well, here you have the foundation for abuse. If Bogaert manages to get this study under way, my bet is that asexuality will, at least at first, be judged to be an abberation and/or a disorder. Therefore subject to law. And medical probing, along with the usual trial-and-oops drug therapies (hint: if you're looking for a new investment, look to aphrodisiacs!). And public approbation.
*sigh* You very often find discussions, either on line or in person, about what it is that separates the human species from the so-called lower animals. I now think I know what it is. It's our pre-occupation with sex. Especially when it 's about people other than ourselves.
Given the suggestion by some of our southern neighbours that the only acceptable sex education is abstinance education, one could be excused for thinking that asexuality was a recommended lifestyle choice. :)
I agree that we are becoming increasingly interested in examining the intimate aspects of each others' lives. I tend to support scientific research so have no real problem with that per se. The problem arises when the results are misinterpreted to suggest that anything outside of the scientific norm is abnormal. At that point we risk trying to control the intimate aspects of each others' lives.
Cycles: If you take a look through some of the discussions on that forum link I posted, it looks like asexuality is no more a choice than any other sexuality. There are people who simply have no sexual feelings at all. It's not like choosing to cut down on the amount of salt or sugar in the food you eat. It's more like you don't even have the taste buds to be able to tell the difference, and you therefore develop no preferences and no cravings.
"At that point we risk trying to control the intimate aspects of each others' lives."
Some people don't see it as a risk -- they actually revel in the thought that they can control others' lives.
A lot of them have television programs, and contribute heavily to politicians' re-election slush funds.
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