Wednesday, February 08, 2006

Egypt In October 2005

It seems that the cartoons that are sparking furore among some groups of Muslims around the world have been subjected to some intense scrutiny for their provenance by other Muslims.

Sandmonkey, with the impetus of Freedom For Egyptians have done some investigating, and found, much to everyone's surprise, that those offensive cartoons were actually published in an Egyptian newspaper on October 17, 2005.

From Sandmonkey's post:

"...they were actually printed in the Egyptian Newspaper Al Fagr back in October 2005. I repeat, October 2005, during Ramadan, for all the egyptian muslim population to see, and not a single squeak of outrage was present. Al Fagr isn't a small newspaper either: it has respectable circulation in Egypt, since it's helmed by known Journalist Adel Hamoudah. Looking around in my house I found the copy of the newspaper, so I decided to scan it and present to all of you to see.

"Now while the arab islamic population was going crazy over the outrage created by their government's media over these cartoons, their governments was benifitting from its people's distraction. The Saudi royal Family used it to distract its people from the outrage over the Hajj stampede. The Jordanian government used it to distract its people from their new minimum wage law demanded by their labor unions. The Syrian Government used it to create secterian division in Lebanon and change the focus on the Harriri murder. And, finally, the Egyptian government is using it to distract us while it passes through the new Judiciary reforms and Social Security Bill- which will cut over $300 million dollars in benefits to some of Egypt's poorest families. But, see, the people were not paying attention, because they were too busy defending the prophet by sending out millions of e-mails and SMS-messages, boycotting cheese and Lego and burning Butter and the danish Flag. Let's not even mention the idiots who went the usual route of "It's a jewish conspiracy", spouted the stupid argument about the Holocaust, or went on a diatribe with the old favorite "There is an organized campaign-headed by the west and the jews- to attack and discredit Islam, and we have to defend it". They proved, once again, that the arab world is retarded and deserves no better than its leaders."

Go read, see the scanned papers, the dates of publication, the comments, and the links. Link back and pass it along. Send the links and the story to your local MSM and your political representatives. Send them to other bloggers. Get the story out. Now.

Before anyone else dies for no good reason.


Blogger DazzlinDino said...

Great post, very interesting, especially after all the outrage...

Sunday, February 12, 2006 12:43:00 PM  

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